This is what you need to know to prepare for your appointment date! If you have questions regarding your preparation, please reach out!


how to prepare for your appointment

save this page to reference when your appointment date is coming up

This list is to help give you an idea of how to prepare for your appointment. Following your pre-care and post-care will allow for the best canvas to work on and will help to ensure great healed results.

two weeks prior to your appointment

No botox or filler in the forehead area within two weeks of the appointment date.

During your appointment your forehead will be stretched, pressed on, massaged, and the muscles will be stressed. It’s important to wait a full two weeks between injectables in the forehead area, to avoid adverse results in the muscles.

Stop using active, lightening, rejuvenating, or resurfacing products/treatments in the brow/forehead area within two weeks.

This is referring to things like retinols, tretinoin, AHA. BHA, glycolic acids, etc. It’s important to keep your skincare in the forehead area to simple ingredients prior to your appointment. Over exfoliation with active ingredients could cause more sensitivity during the appointment.

Stop waxing, plucking, threading or tinting within two weeks of the appointment date.

It’s best to arrive to your appointment with ‘undone’ and ‘overgrown’ brows. Every little hair helps to add to the overall appearance of the brow. I will shape them accordingly for you at the appointment, don’t worry!

Do not have overly tanned or sunburned skin.

Practice safe sun prior to your appointment. Overly tanned skin is dehydrated, thinned, and difficult to work on. Tattooing sunburned skin is just as bad as it sounds. If you are coming after a weekend on the boat or a sunny vacation and you weren’t successful with your sunscreen, it’s best to just reschedule. I will not tattoo sunburned skin.

24 hours prior to your appointment

DO NOT arrive over caffeinated.
DO NOT take ‘pre-work out’ or similar supplements.
DO NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen.
DO NOT consume alcohol the night prior or day of procedure.

These restrictions will help to mediate any chance of excessive bleeding, swelling, or sensitivity. Managing the risk of bleeding will help to ensure predictable and beautifully healed results.

Microblading & shading cannot be done over moles, skin tags, raised freckles, or acne bumps or breakouts.

If you have a minor breakout on or near your brow it can be avoided during the first appointment, but if it’s significant it may be best to reschedule until your skin is calm.